Friday, September 14, 2012

Vote Yes on 7

This November, Rhode Islanders have the opportunity to Vote Yes on Question 7, a $25 million affordable housing bond.  This state investment will help fund the construction of 600 long-term affordable homes throughout the state.  Affordable housing is an essential part of our state’s infrastructure, necessary for growing a stronger economy.

September 19th marks the official launch of the Vote Yes on 7 campaign.  Your organization can join the growing number of businesses, nonprofits, faith communities and other organizations who are actively supporting this campaign.  Your support of the $25 million housing bond will help to ensure that Rhode Island continues to invest in the construction of affordable homes- creating jobs and a brighter economic future for Rhode Island. 

Please contact Charles Hunt at by Tuesday, September 12th to appear on the initial list of supporters on 
And on November 6 remember to Vote Yes on 7. 
For Homes. For Jobs. For Rhode Island.

Thank you in advance for your support!

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