Thursday, September 27, 2012

Congressional Forum

Congressional Forum
Ray Conference Center @ Butler Hospital
September 27th  ~  6:00-8:00pm

Please join us along with our event partners in the 
Coalition to Preserve Quality Services

Friday, September 14, 2012

Vote Yes on 7

This November, Rhode Islanders have the opportunity to Vote Yes on Question 7, a $25 million affordable housing bond.  This state investment will help fund the construction of 600 long-term affordable homes throughout the state.  Affordable housing is an essential part of our state’s infrastructure, necessary for growing a stronger economy.

September 19th marks the official launch of the Vote Yes on 7 campaign.  Your organization can join the growing number of businesses, nonprofits, faith communities and other organizations who are actively supporting this campaign.  Your support of the $25 million housing bond will help to ensure that Rhode Island continues to invest in the construction of affordable homes- creating jobs and a brighter economic future for Rhode Island. 

Please contact Charles Hunt at by Tuesday, September 12th to appear on the initial list of supporters on 
And on November 6 remember to Vote Yes on 7. 
For Homes. For Jobs. For Rhode Island.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Election Season is Upon Us!

Please mark your calendar for the upcoming Congressional Forum on 
September 27th at the Ray Conference Center @ Butler Hospital. 
The Coalition to Preserve Quality Services is a joint effort of CPNRI, LeadingAge RI, RICCMHO, RICORP and RI Partnership for Home Care along with others to bring a discussion among Congressional Office Candidates to people interested in quality home and community based services.  
Please follow this link to rsvp CPNRI Events and like our Facebook page if you haven't already!