Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Vote Yes on 7 video

As you make your final decisions about candidates and issues important to you and your family, please remember the need for affordable housing in RI. 
Support Bond Issue #7 on the ballot November 6th!
For Homes.  For Jobs.  For Rhode Island.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Congressional Forum

Thanks to the Coalition to Preserve Quality Services and CPN members for making the Congressional Forum a success!
There were over 100 people in attendance and we heard ideas and opinions from three candidates for Representative in Congress (from left to right)

  • Mr. Able Collins,  
  • Rep. Jim Langevin, 
  • Rep. David Cicilline, 

Remember that the deadline to register to vote in Rhode Island is October 7th!  If you are not registered or if you have changed your home address since the last election, you should register at your local Board of Canvassers.  Please visit Board of Elections today for more information!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Congressional Forum

Congressional Forum
Ray Conference Center @ Butler Hospital
September 27th  ~  6:00-8:00pm

Please join us along with our event partners in the 
Coalition to Preserve Quality Services

Friday, September 14, 2012

Vote Yes on 7

This November, Rhode Islanders have the opportunity to Vote Yes on Question 7, a $25 million affordable housing bond.  This state investment will help fund the construction of 600 long-term affordable homes throughout the state.  Affordable housing is an essential part of our state’s infrastructure, necessary for growing a stronger economy.

September 19th marks the official launch of the Vote Yes on 7 campaign.  Your organization can join the growing number of businesses, nonprofits, faith communities and other organizations who are actively supporting this campaign.  Your support of the $25 million housing bond will help to ensure that Rhode Island continues to invest in the construction of affordable homes- creating jobs and a brighter economic future for Rhode Island. 

Please contact Charles Hunt at charleshunt@mayforthgroup.com by Tuesday, September 12th to appear on the initial list of supporters on www.voteyeson7.org. 
And on November 6 remember to Vote Yes on 7. 
For Homes. For Jobs. For Rhode Island.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Election Season is Upon Us!

Please mark your calendar for the upcoming Congressional Forum on 
September 27th at the Ray Conference Center @ Butler Hospital. 
The Coalition to Preserve Quality Services is a joint effort of CPNRI, LeadingAge RI, RICCMHO, RICORP and RI Partnership for Home Care along with others to bring a discussion among Congressional Office Candidates to people interested in quality home and community based services.  
Please follow this link to rsvp CPNRI Events and like our Facebook page if you haven't already!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

On behalf of our members, CPNRI would like to thank the RI Legislators who supported increased funding for services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

After last year's devastating budget cut totaling over $24million dollars, several members of the General Assembly spoke out about their concern.  We would like to thank them for their support and advocacy and recognize that in these difficult times, the partial restoration we received would not have been realized without their hard work!  These legislators include:  
Senate President Teresa Paive-Weed, Leader Ruggerio, Chairman DaPonte, Sen. DiPalma, Sen. Tassoni, Sen. Doyle, Sen. Gallo, Sen. Pinga, Sen. Moura, Sen. O'Neill, Sen. Lynch, Sen. Cote, Sen. Jabour; 
Speaker of the House Gordon Fox, Leader Mattiello, Chairman Melo, Rep. O'Grady, Rep. Bennett, Rep. Ruggiero, Rep. Walsh, Rep. Morrison, Rep. McNamara, Rep. Malik, Rep. Messier, Rep. Ferri, Rep. Walsh, Rep. Cimini, Rep. Gutherie, Rep. Johnston, Rep. Phillips.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Legislative budget cuts

This video was created last year in response to a proposed $9.5 million cut to services for people with developmental disabilities...
While some of the data has changed and the cuts were far greater than we could have imagined, the message remains the same...

Keep The Promise
Restore Funding for DD Services

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lawmakers hopeful that budget will restore some money for developmentally disabled

People with IDD, their families and friends are anxiously anticipating the release of the FY12 Supplemental and FY13 Budget by the House Finance Committee.

House Democrats caucused yesterday to hear from members on their priorities as the budget enters its final days of consideration.  The Finance Ct. is scheduled to get the bill on May 31st.

For the full story, go to:

Friday, April 13, 2012

Rally to Restore Funding

On Wednesday, April 25th, the House Finance Committee will hear the bills entered which call for a restoration of funds to services for people with Developmental Disabilities. 
Prior to the Hearing, there will be a rally to demonstrate the support for this issue.  
Please join us in asking your legislator to "Keep the Promise"!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Its Never Too Late To Join!

Its Never Too Late To Join!

We at CPNRI,
Rhode Island's only association for intellectual and developmental disability service organizations, want to remind you that it is never too late to join our advocacy activities!
We focus on policy, legislative and fiscal issues that effect supports and services for people with IDD and we need your help.
Please join our mailing list and you will be among the growing voice of people who care about
someone with a disability... just follow these steps:

Click on the Advocacy tab above

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Action E-List".

Here you can enter all of your information and be added to our mailing list! It only
takes two minutes to ensure that you are in the loop!