Thursday, December 30, 2010

RI General Assembly Convenes 1/4/11

The RI General Assembly reconvenes for the 2011 Legislative Session on Tuesday, January 4th.

CPN will be hosting a Legislative Reception outside the House and Senate Chambers on Wednesday, January 19th.

Please join our members as they visit with senior members of the General Assembly and introduce themselves to the incoming freshmen!

Friday, November 19, 2010

CPN celebrates 25 years of service!

385 people attended the 25th Anniversary Celebration of CPNRI!
Thanks to all our members who have made the work of CPN possible for the past twenty-five years ~ we look forward to serving you for twenty-five more!

Check back soon for photos of the event!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Please join us on Friday
November 12th for the
CPNRI 25th Anniversary Celebration!

For more info contact

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Meet The Candidates!

Please join the members of CPN with over 500 constituents including people with disabilities, their families and friends for a night of conversation with candidates running for the RI General Assembly, Congress and RI State-wide offices.

This is an opportunity to ask questions in a one-on-one conversation and get to know what your candidates think about the issues that matter to you most!

Event Details:

Wednesday October 20th, Rhodes on the Pawtuxet, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Admission is Free

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Voters' Forum a Success!

On Friday August 20th, CPNRI hosted a Voters' Education Forum at the Airport Sheraton in Warwick. Over 100 attendees heard presentations by Lt. Governor, Elizabeth Roberts; Linda Ward of Opportunities Unlimited and Rory Carmody of CranstonArc; Steve Quirk of the RI Board of Canvassors; and Charles Fogarty on the importance of voting. Thank you to all of our speakers for making this a great event and to the agencies that provided their time, resources and support ~ we couldn't do it without you!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Support the Gail Badessa Memorial Fund

spurwinkri and the Badessa Family have established the "Gail Badessa Memorial Fund for Cultural Experiences" in Gail's memory.
The fund offers opportunities through grants in the areas of arts, music, sports, education, and travel to children and adults with developmental disabilities and/or behavior disorders.
Over $225,000 has been raised through the memorial fund event over the past seven years, and 25 grants have been awarded.
Please join them this Sunday, August 15th for this fundraiser to benefit people with disabilities across Rhode Island and visit for more information.

Friday, July 2, 2010

CPNRI has Moved!!

We are now located at:

110 Jefferson Blvd., Ste. A
Warwick, RI 02888

Please join us for an Open House on Wednesday,
July 28th from 3:00-6:00 pm

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2010 DSP Survey

Help us tell others about the work you do!

Follow this link and take the Direct Support Professional Survey.

Your information is confidential and cannot be linked to you but your answers are valuable as we fight for funding to maintain services and jobs!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

CPN would like to offer a hearty congratulations to our members at the Spurwink School for there recent accreditation by The National Commission for the Accreditation of Special Education Services! The press release follows:

Mr. Raymond Arsenault, MA, Executive Director of spurwink|ri announced today that The Spurwink School has been awarded accreditation from The National Commission for the Accreditation of Special Education Services (NCASES).

Established in 1982, The Spurwink School located at 365 River Road, Lincoln, RI, is a year-round licensed special education program serving children ages 5-18 with behavioral and emotional challenges.

The accreditation planning team consisting of Raymond Arsenault, MA, Executive Director; Ann-marie Hughes, M.S., Director; Carleen Bellaire, M.Ed., Administrator of Special Education; Elizabeth Veasey, LCSW, Clinical Supervisor; and spurwink|ri Board of Directors have worked continuously on the preparation for this accreditation for the past eight months, culminating with a comprehensive three-day site visit by a review team appointed by NCASES national headquarters in Washington, DC.

Ms. Carleen Bellaire, M.Ed., Administrator of Special Education, stated “Achieving this national accreditation acknowledges that The Spurwink School (faculty, clinical services, curriculum and technology) meets or exceeds the rigorous standards established for private special education programs. We are very proud to have obtained this unique distinction.”

NCASES Commissioner, Joseph Leshko, commended The Spurwink School faculty, stating “This achievement illustrates The Spurwink School’s commitment to providing the highest standards of special education services.”